page contents Poetry With Pic: “An Awkward Silence”

Thursday 15 August 2013

“An Awkward Silence”

“An Awkward Silence”

I looked at you - you looked at me
We sat alone together awkwardly
In silence

Silence our fathers never knew
And our mothers prayed
Someday that they could listen to

I wondered, what was on your mind?
I imagined you thought every thing was fine
But did you really?
There’d been no conversation
And your body language gave no indication
Just silence

Silence, I could study for a while
Not reading between the lines
But in the absence of your smile
In that silence
I felt uncomfortable at first
That somehow the best in us
Had finally come to worst

That now your guess
Was just as good as mine
If we would find whatever
We’re supposed to find
In silence
The kind that echoes loud & clear
You know the one that silent call
Dogs can only hear

I couldn’t speak for you
You couldn’t speak for me
And without words at all
We couldn’t disagree
On politics, on religion
On all the things that make the world go round
Love relationships and human nature
It’s difficult to talk when there’s no sound

You suffered me
I suffered you
It turned out to be the greatest thing
That we could do
No disturbances
No violence
Just an afternoon at peace
In awkward silence

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