page contents Poetry With Pic: New Babylon

Sunday, 20 October 2013

New Babylon

New Babylon

Big Apple on the Hudson
You not biting ,instead it biting you
Displaying walloping saber teeth
The city where poverty and richness
Are close neighbors like Naples with a northern accent
And middle class in the disintegrating state
Polluted air make me gasp for breath
Crowded subway and the buses
Squeezed in between one might of think
He is in tin sardine can with sweat instead of oil

So many nationalities in one cooking cauldron
It certainly remind me of Babylon ,New Babel
As Hebrew called,too many similarities indeed
Enough to go on the street and listen
The head would not digest all muddled language mix
Add tourists to the mess ,you get the picture
Are we New Yorkers also builders of the doomed Tower?
Please God do not experiment on us anew
Is hard enough already been most expensive city in USA
I know,I grumbled plenty about bunch of things
Can add the traffic, prices for the renting , garbage
Overflowing trash cans and the dirty subway tracks
I stop now drawing the grimy painting
And say after all i had to say before
We have Manhattan,Coney island,boardwalk,ocean
Broadway shows ,food out of this world
So the moral goes ,what does not kill you make you stronger
My Babylon without fail enforcing such idea day by day

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