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Showing posts with label Awesome Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awesome Poetry. Show all posts

Sunday 17 November 2013

In life of each of us

In life of each of us

In life of each of us
Event takes place,futherance is shaping
The way we act, think ,putting ideas into action
Changing whole world ,which envelops our beings

I am not exception
It happen suddenly without premonition
The fate blew whistle,waking up the brain
I met you in the crazy carousel of circumstances

Infatuation grew into abysmal love
Love ,unfathomable to plant in words
Undaunted by distances impenetrable cluster of the curds
The bodies of the oceans,the mountains 's turrets

I am a new person
Wading the poetry mighty Amazon
Probing the stumbling blocks of prose
Not sure where the imagination takes me
Few years back I did not have clue
You raised me to heights I was panic-stricken to pursue

by Margaret Gudkov
art by Alex Alemany
+Kashif Farhan +Sony Music Entertainment +Sajid Ali Turri +Islamic Republic Of Pakistan اسلامي جمہوريہ پاکستان +Thilo Horn

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Watching the starry sky

Watching the starry sky

I sit ,watching the starry sky
Dismissing from the mind all thoughts
Transported into inky deepness
No more spectator,participant in heavens show

Sucked in by the unknown force
I am wafting on the angel's wings
Admiring from the height the life below
How I could miss such loveliness,passing with the empty eyes

Drunk in euphoria I continue journey
Touching the stars with my bare hands
Ouch, the reaction is surprising ..cold
They cold ,the icicles of sky ,the difference
There no meltdown like on earth after touchdown
I did not know ,from beneath they seem so hot
Electric lamps God put at night ,so we not get that lonely

by Margaret Gudkov
art by Gild a lily

Monday 14 October 2013

Far on horizon

Far on horizon

Far on horizon
Where sky clutching the ocean
To her ample bosom,two lovers frozen in
The sacrosanct embrace
The light of Love grew out of this union
Spreading over far and wide
Refining senses ,annihilating hate
It reached me also,bathing in it's warmth
Changing the perception of the world
I was never that courageous or strong either
Yet ,Love gave me endurance to withstand
The bloody revolution in my life
It gave me you ,sweet soul mate
You came with it like wounded bird
In need of loving and caressing hands
Both of us ,braving the stormy weather
For one and only thing,to be together
Nights and days ,dividing pleasures and the anguish
We need each other..thank you Light

by Margaret Gudkov
art by E Mozyro



Sequoias having discourse with a sky
Leaves trembling in the agitation
Who is older on this Earth and seen it more
The roots of life ,how all began?
Poor dinosaurs ,so ugly and so mighty
Faded into nothing,could not compete with cold
Sky retorted "i seen it all ,supporting growth of
The animals and trees ,you are exist because of me"
And drummed bullets of the rain storm on the sequoia's forest
With such an angry attitude that even giant trees
Could not withstand ,begging for mercy
"Concur ,concur we are in the agreement,
Still the wondrous sky you must admit
There are no one on Earth who is bigger and the older,
We saw the men 's developing civilizations
Most ceased to exist long time ago only to give way to
Technological advance,so called progress
See where that progress taking all of us
We wonder if in few years we will be still alive"

So much talking can tire anyone
Sequoias fell asleep, in the dreamland seeing
Many moons ago the blooming planet
And humans as a friends, not as a foes
The forest exhaled in the nostalgia

The Kamasutra

The Kamasutra

The Kamasutra book laying on the table
Begging to open and explore the art of love
The hesitation hanging in the air
Strain of conservatism maybe,strange

I did not notice after me before
From where I picked up that bug?
Nobody could accuse me ever to be demure and shy
Always white crow in the midst of black ones

The qualms erased at the thought of you
Imagining the two of us snuggling in positions
The needle and the thread ,sewing together ornaments
Becoming blooming lotus ,eagle or the horse

High art of giving pleasure and enjoy
I enter in it's stream without agitation
Skinny dipping in the fast moving currents
Not panicking of losing demeanor as long as I'm with you

Sunday 6 October 2013

It's day like any day

It's day like any day

It's day like any day today
No worse or better than
The weather playing crazy games
Confusing population with caprices
To put a jacket, you'd sweat on sun
Or go out without one ,it be too cool in evening
I walked and walked in alleys ,zigzagging
Streets and gawking at brownstones
Looking like a mini castles in Brooklyn
My favorite hangout overpopulated with
The children and the dogs,both in contest for cuteness
The bargain sales on the steps ,deals made
And smiles floating from lips to lips
Illuminating air with a lovely conversations
The tiny shops ,cafes ,the frozen yogurt for
Health and waste conscious and me in this kaleidoscope
Who would pay attention,blending in the quirkiness around
Just one more person ,going about her business
One more ,one less probing the area and searching
Searching for what or whom? She hardly knows
Confused by the life ,but trying find the answer

Thursday 3 October 2013


Our modern world is changing, and everyone is busy blaming the youth of today;
But how can we blame the future, when it was us who made their world this way.

Our street corners are full, as our children think that it’s okay to walk into the darkness with a knife;
When did we stop teaching our kids that the greatest ever gift, is quite simply LIFE.

Footballers earning a million pound a month, whilst children in Africa sit crying their hunger pain;
Pier pressure is weighing down our future generations, as they begin to buckle under the strain.

Our children are now living in a virtual world, with MSN, Facebook and Twitter, they no longer need to speak face to face;
If only they knew time was so valuabl
e, and a lost childhood is the one thing that no one could ever replace.

Girls desperate to be thin, as their air brushed idols kneel at the toilet throwing up their breakfast, lunch and tea;
A silent generation sits texting on the latest mobile, whilst playing their PS3.

Faces hide behind hoodies, but not all youngsters want to go out and cause a riot;
Each of us is born with a hidden gift, but our future children have just forgotten how to find it.

We are leaving a broken planet to our children’s children, whilst our Governments just spout hot air, adding to our global warming;
With the worlds ice caps still melting, and our wildlife slowly disappearing, this is starting to sound more like a global warning.

Older generations demand respect, but its one way traffic, as respect back is something they do not show;
Instead of teaching our children how to fly, we tie them down with yet another ASBO.

Frustration and neglect flows through the streets of this concrete jungle, the one place that we now all call our home;
Bullies and racists still torture their victims, leaving them to cry in the shadows, all on their own.

Plastic surgery changing bodies, changing faces, as the years pass the dreams we all had as children slowly fade away;
Before long the dawn of a new generation will begin, and no doubt people will still be blaming,
The youth of today.

Silently speaking through the eyes

Silently speaking through the eyes

All I want is enjoy each other presence
Silently speaking through the eyes
Not uttering the sound,listen only
The heartbeats ticking ,measuring the time

No need for words in sacramental mien
Breath in and out ,filling lungs with love
Creating imperceptible bridge between us
Crossover link,where we exchange our soul's vows

The nature's spirits stand behind
Flooding us with their supportive wisdom
Imaging baby, the Morning star would rise
Signaling day's beginning , the golden shower
Would burst upon the Earth ,touching everything
With magic wand and us in naked glory
The bodies sculpted under nature's plying hand
Softly,smoothing angles, turning into one instrument of love

No need for will ruin divinity of moment

Tuesday 1 October 2013



The flash of disco lights, the red
Velvet of arena, outlandish costumes
Blinding the spectators with a symphony
Colors serpentine on bodies, show of illusions
What is real in here , what is figment of imagination

Acrobats are flying over performing
Ballet in the high dimension, throwing
Tiny elfin woman like white cloud of roses
Strong masculine male hands waiting, catching
Sighs of the relief , the lovers in the tight embrace

Gymnast walking on the tightrope
Balance beam in hands, the baby steps
In the nervous silence of the circus, afraid for him
Wrong move is out of the question, the end with no salvation

The tamers in cage with lions and the tigers
The smile to the public, while putting head in
Lon's mouth, deep fear inside , he knows
Depending on the mood , lion tamed could become the wild

The crown of the show elephants
Knowing their worth , try take advantage
At your own risk , getting mad and crazy
They would destroy it all with sheer force
Otherwise so sweet and gentle,obeying man

The graceful stallions , the funny monkeys
Dogs and cats that seemingly behave like humans
Birds talking nonsense or singing arias from opera
And of cause the clowns, gregarious and funny

The circus life is full of glamor, but
Nobody have the information what
Behind the closed curtains, how hard those
People working ,hours and hours of training
Moving , travel to the cities, staying not too long
No place to call it home, rooms in hotels, lonely
Granting all this.. show must go on

Saturday 28 September 2013

Light of the thousand candles

Light of the thousand candles

Love is the light of
The thousand candles flickering into the night
Paving the way out of darkness into the warmth
Of sunlight , fly if you might higher and higher to wavering sun

Closing my eyes i can see you in there
Standing and smiling at me ,hands outstretched
Transparent in the golden glow, hands of the angel
I am anxious to touch it ,squeezed in hearty embrace

Baby come closer,let me caress you
Breezing myself into you , let us be river
Flowing to ocean,ocean of kindness and Love
Wishing and hoping that thousand candles
Never extinguish their light

Monday 23 September 2013



The dawn is nearing but the darkness remains
As I am held here bound by the chains
That you've put upon me, no apparent way out
From this wilderness of unknowing, this jungle of doubt
A steaming pile of garbage, no escape from the stench
A desert with no oasis, a thirst I can't quench
A black hole in space, this hell that I'm in
An existence of nothing with nowhere to begin

But there must be an exit from this exile of view
Though where I've been stranded, I haven't a clue
My mind now a hodgepodge of cloudy thought
Seeking solace in numbness from sentences bought
So I must focus my energy, utilize all my pain
Concentrate on liberty, use all of my brain
If ever I am to escape from this place
I must see the real you when I look on your face

You must be a madwoman the way you enjoy
Clawing and tearing at the soul of this boy
Your behaviour defines you, you're a low parasite
Who not only feeds on my pain, but in it delight
You're a vile, sick, despicable bitch
Satan's whore, blackhearted witch
Despite all your methods, the evil forces employed
I will remain strong, I will not be destroyed

I am now with plan, I know what to do
I am going to remove, to take from you
What you feed upon, your nourishment
Has found a dagger, though rusted and bent
Will thrust it here deep within his side
And you'll torture him not once he has died
A desperate act by a defiant man
Who will win his freedom however he can

The he you see is not the same
As he who played your sadistic game
He had to die, to more more be
To end the torture, his soul to free
From all the pain he was caused to feel
When you from him his heart did steal
A living death, a period of hell
A trap of love into which I fell

All he required, some sign of your love
An emotion he discovered you're incapable of
Now you beg a new start, but the hour's too late
You must come to grips, accept this as your fate
The tides have changed, the sun has risen
The birds been freed from within its prison
No strings attached, no chains on me
It took some time, but I am free

(c) John Patrick Boutilier, Port Morien, NS, Circa 1977

Saturday 24 August 2013

For your Knowledge My Dear Human Brain Analysis - Man vs. Woman......A MUST READ!

For your Knowledge My Dear Human Brain Analysis - Man vs. Woman......A MUST READ!

Women - Multiple process
Womens brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.
Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook.
Men - Single Process
Mens brains designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.

Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 yeard old boy.

Mens brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.

While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.

When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Womans super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Mens brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.
So guys, do not lie face to face.

If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.

Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...

If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.

Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.

Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking.

+Urdu and English Poetry  +English Practice Hangouts 
+°•.¸ღılııllı► Meri Chahat ◄ıllıılıღ¸.•° +Nana Meriwether +Minna Serula +I dont know why I missing you ........♥♥ +Christopher Mehl +Rafal Makiela +Thomas Latka +ted kelly +TeeFury +Thomas Latka +Mark Hoffman +ted kelly +Islamic Republic Of Pakistan اسلامي جمہوريہ پاکستان +olga belov +Urdu Poetry Urdu Shayari +Poetry With Pic +Dulha & Dulhan 

Sunday 18 August 2013

'You Are My Favorite'

'You Are My Favorite'

If you are singer then you are Shakira
Shakira my favorite
If you are flower then you are rose
Rose my favorite
If you are color then you are sky blue
Sky blue my favorite
If you are a song then a love song
Song of my love
Whenever you need a Romeo
I'll be
You are world
No ones but mine

Friday 16 August 2013

Conversation with a mirror

Conversation with a mirror

Hey, you there in the mirror
Don't give me that indignant look
You are my twin, remember dear?
We are inseparable Eng and Chang

You are no queen and me no Cinderella
So drop this huffy look and smile
Life can be tough sometimes , I know it
But we can swim against the current for sure

I see you worry way too much
In the boundless eyes sunk anguish
The lines near mouth going slowly upward
The silver hairs naughty, naughty, playing hide- and- seek

I think ,I just saw the tiny spark in
The eye's corner, smirk laced lips
You little devil, what you up to?
Girl, verbalize your secret, it will be safe with me

Aha, finally you laughing at me or us
It's fine, been serious was way too long
Now, those lines near mouth shifted into laughing lines

by Margaret Gudkov
Art Unknown

Gulping the beauty

Gulping the beauty

Sweet throated yodel
Waltzing through the ears of mountains
The alpine meadows holding festival of flowers
The air pure and innocent like the newborn infant

Breath in deeply as much as lungs permitting
Inhaling grass mushrooms musky emanation
Stand up on your toes ,pulling the sari from the sky
And lasso cloud on your pinky finger,wear proudly like diamond

The mountains is closest you can get to God
So take the opportunity and have a pep talk
He might not answer, but be sure that he listens
After you done,paint,paint your imagination with

The smells and colors
Remodeling the inner self into more spiritual being
Gulping the beauty ...................and yodel Jule Andrews' style

by Margaret Gudkov

Thursday 15 August 2013



I never thought I'd be
At the crossroads ruminating
Which way to go and if it is right choice
Choices,they make you or they break you

Sending to the hell or heaven
Experiencing joy of living or be a roadkill
We can only guess and hope that
What we doing lead us in the better place

The life is all about choices
Should I stay or should i go
Read or watch TV,should I say hello to
The good looking guy or maybe just pass by

Yes and no, the history known many
Wrong arrangements resulting in the revolutions
Bloodshed and genocides ,one person's resolution
The choices make us who we are

by Margaret Gudkov
art by Uribaani

Wednesday 14 August 2013

My sundar Oh ,precious jewel!!!

My sundar

Oh ,precious jewel!!!
I am in awe of thy beauty
Blazing my imagination with
Light so bright ,the stars seem stygian shadows

Thy limbs, the wings of swan
Fanning the air with delicacy of
The feather's flair, the angels hushed up
Ashamed of their ordinary ailerons

Thy skin, the thinnest silk
The smoothest, finest essence
Befit only for the beings of such divine
Proportions, shine like the ocean in the moonlight

Thy thighs , the gates to secret garden
Firm, juicy grapes I crave to hold in arms
Two sentinels , shielded in the shapely allure
I have to give them cryptic word to enter in nirvana

Thy eyes i jump with the intention of
The no return, suspended in the breathless flight
Free falling in the Sheba 's palace of the lusty treasures
Leave me there my beloved in the hallucinogenic dream

Thy hair, foamy waves bathing me
In honeyed glow , i am the dolphin diving
Exploring the uncharted depths
Picking up rare pearls from the seashells

Give me thy breasts to behold
The alabaster pulchritude , go back in time
When i was a mere infant and put my lips on them
Quenching the thirst for milky goodness

You are my phool, my Sundar
My everything, you my beloved

by Margaret Gudkov
phool is flower on Hindi
Sundar is beauty on Hindi

art by Karl Bang

Monday 12 August 2013

The story of my life

The story of my life

I bet the story of my life
Would sweat the tears from stones
Melting the snow bonnets on the top
Alter into salty streams of sorrows

Complaining not
Just few regrets of unfulfilled dreams
Of people left too early ,leaving cavities
That did not heal till now

I do not live in past
The useless task of wiping out rain on window pane
Is better close the chapter,visiting sometimes
Make it learning process ,where our lapses slumber

I come in the attic ,grabbing the pieces of regrets
Hanging them on sun to dry and air
We all have stories that would melt the ice

by Margaret Gudkov
art by James Christensen

Don't call me smart

Don't call me smart

Don' t call me wise and smart
I am not of kind,the famous Russian 
Writer called "The woe of wit"
Too much of good thing can lead to chaos

I am in mess
My naivete landed me in labyrinth of dreams
God dropping clues with the incessant chain of links
Missing always,catching only empty meaning

Who is wise?one who possesses greatest knowledge?
What if that knowledge does not help to come to
Right decisions ,inflicting damage on already sinking ship
Ask Cleopatra,she would knows,was a too smart for her own good

So wise I am not ...just ordinary woman deep in love

by Margaret Gudkov
art by Yuri klapouh

Friday 9 August 2013

The umbrellas of Cherbourg

The umbrellas of Cherbourg

The umbrellas of Cherbourg 
Ruefully weeping parting song
Knowing there no turning back 
Between the luckless lovers
Their lives ramshackle feelings
Went to waste , the road 's abrupt
Turn took them way too far apart

The shaky balance hanging by the thread
Could crumble under too much thinking
Disconnect is best,scared to open up Jinn's bottle
The lovers hide the tears in heart and separate forever

The umbrellas trembling under
The skies forbidding greyness
Saying goodbyes is hardest thing to do

by Margaret Gudkov
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